Annual Fund Drive 2021-2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thank you for your support of the Ward School PTO (of which we are all members!) this school year. From reading our newsletters; to attending our fall meeting; to signing up for the directory; to committing to many volunteer positions; and to participating in our Back to School Picnic and Fall Fest - you have shown us that this PTO is active, resilient and looking to make the most of the 2021-22 school year for all of our children!

We are all asked often to support many worthwhile causes, and we find ourselves asking you now to consider supporting the elementary school experience of your child(ren) at Ward.

The Ward School PTO generally spends in the range of $200-$250 per student per year. Our projected expenditures for the 2021-2022 year are approximately $60,000. This pie chart shows a general breakdown of expenses. On our website are descriptions of the categories ( The detailed budget was presented at the Fall 2021 PTO meeting on Oct. 7, 2021.

Our focus this year has been on bringing our community together after the separation caused by the global pandemic. While we enjoy our “friend-raising, not fund-raising” - the truth is that PTO funds are critical to supporting our students’ educational experiences and to supporting our community of families, teachers, and staff. 

Can you please consider a donation to The Ward School PTO? Also, remember that matching gifts are a great way to maximize your donation and some companies double or triple your gift to education. Our goal is to raise $20,000 and even more importantly to have 100% of community participation (this can include a donation of any amount - no amount is too small!).

There are two ways to donate: 

  1. Online at our PayPal page (

  2. By Check: Made out to “Ward PTO” and sent  in an envelope to school clearly labeled “Kristin Golden, Treasurer - Ward PTO”

THANK YOU for your ongoing support!

Best Regards,

Caitlin Cusick
Co-president Ward School PTO

Susan St. Pierre
Co-President Ward School PTO


ForWard 11.21.21


ForWard 11.14.21