Latest Update -

July 19, 2024

Dear Ward & Underwood Communities,

For the last several months, the School Committee has been discussing the state of our elementary school facilities and how to manage future renovations and replacements of buildings. We understand the working groups formed pre-pandemic and again in 2022-23 to study the future of Ward and Underwood schools has created some anxiety in your communities. Therefore, as part of our deliberations on this matter, the Committee felt it appropriate to make a statement to the Ward and Underwood communities:  While we cannot yet say for certain how the City and NPS will ultimately manage the replacement and/or renovation of aging facilities such as Ward and Underwood, we expect each of these buildings to remain open for at least the next five years.

The current work being done at Lincoln-Eliot, Horace Mann, Countryside and Franklin will consume the City's financial and logistical capacity for at least that time period. While this may provide certainty for some, we understand it may trouble others that it will be at least five years until there are major improvements. We understand that the conditions of both Ward and Underwood are below what we expect from NPS facilities.The Committee is committed to developing a path forward for your communities as soon as practical. These discussions will continue into the fall.

Please reach out to the School Committee or NPS administration with any questions or concerns. Thank you and enjoy your summer vacations.

Newton School Committee