ForWard 10.10.21

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 13 at 12:20
Pizza Sale!
Help support the 5th grade in their fundraising efforts! $5 for a slice, a clementine and a cookie

Thursday, October 14 at 5:30
FORJ Meeting
At Ward under the tents

Saturday, October 16 from 6-8PM
Kindergarten Parents Potluck
If you haven’t received your invitation, please email Ellen at

Saturday, November 6, evening
2nd Grade Parents Potluck
Watch for your invitation!

Sunday November 7 from 3-5PM
Ward’s First Annual Fall Fest
Fall Fun for ALL!



From the Co-Presidents
Parent Potluck season has continued with great energy! We appreciate the generosity of Lexi and Justin Sullivan for showing the Grade 3 parents a great time on Wednesday evening and Jeane Choe-Arrieta and Rob Arrieta for warmly welcoming the Grade 5 parents on Saturday evening. Kindergarten and second grade parties to come - don’t miss out! Thanks to Sara Wantman for her efforts to coordinate the Fall Potlucks. 

This evening more subscribers than ever before are receiving the ForWard and we could not be happier! A HUGE thank you to our tireless Directory Committee: Kathy Shields, Ron Farrar and Ward Alum Parent Sarah Lenz for their hard work on the 2021-22 Ward School Directory. You can access this useful resource online now ( and a hard copy version will be available very soon. 

Thank you to all parents and staff members that joined our Fall PTO Meeting on zoom Thursday evening. It was a productive conversation focused on budget, initiatives for this school year and playground enhancements. If you were not able to attend and are interested in the slides, please email We hope to see many of you at this week’s FORJ meeting too.

Finally, a quick note on 5th grade graduation activities. 5th graders at Ward celebrate their final year by planning a graduation activity/party, a ceremony, yearbooks, and a class gift to the school. They also engage in a community service project. Throughout the year, there will be small fundraisers to support these activities. This week is the first pizza sale. $5 gets you a slice of pizza, a clementine, a cookie, and the day off from making lunch! If your child is at afterschool that day, you can send in $5 and they will be able to get their pizza.

Ward FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice)
Ward FORJ is hosting an outdoor gathering under the tents on Thursday, October 14 at 5:30PM. Ward FORJ is a parent group at Ward School focused on building bridges among families and educating the school community about race, racism, culture, and identity. We are affiliated with the citywide Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ). We are supported by the Ward PTO and parents, teachers, and staff throughout the Ward community.

Come hear about our work; meet and mingle with other families; and share your questions, concerns, and priorities for how we can work together in pursuit of racial justice within our school community and beyond. Questions? or

First Annual Ward Fall Fest
Mark your calendars for our newest community event! All family members are welcome to join us at Ward field on Sunday November 7th from 3-5 PM for festive fall fun. Start thinking about your best recipe for our Chili Cook Off! The 5th graders will be organizing a food drive and food bag decorating for the Newton Food Pantry. More info to follow! We are seeking volunteers to help with small aspects of event planning and execution. If you have a couple hours (at most) to spare and want to help please email

Ivy Math Fall Fundraiser for Ward PTO
October 1st - 31st
RAISE $50 FOR THE WARD PTO BY HAVING YOUR CHILD’S MATH SKILLS ASSESSED! is partnering with the Ward PTO to assist our students and raise money all at the same time! All you have to do is sign up for a FREE online math assessment at (grades 3-8 only). After the assessment, you’ll receive an overview of your child’s math strengths and weaknesses, and the Ward PTO will receive a $50 donation from IvyMath thanks to you. The PTO has the opportunity to earn up to $5,000 through this fundraiser!

This fundraiser ends on Oct 31 and there are limited slots available, so please make sure to act quickly. Signup for FREE and raise $50 for the Ward PTO! Go to: and click on “Sign up for FREE assessment.”

Ward PTO is Social
A reminder to follow @wardelementary_pto on Instagram to stay up to date on all things PTO!

Community Notes & Announcements

Indigenous Peoples Day Newton Ceremonial Celebration
TOMORROW!! Monday, October 11, 2021, 12 - 5pm, Albemarle Park
Ward Parent Krysia Villon is on the planning committee for this first Indigenous Peoples Day event in Newton! This free, family-centered event will feature numerous Indigenous artists from all around the Northeast- singers, poets, musicians, painters and more! You can learn more about Indigenous businesses and nonprofits at the marketplace. Participate in a talking circle. And, be sure to enjoy a delicious meal from the Indigenous food trucks! Krysia is happy to answer any questions:

Read about all the details at our website IPD Newton and check out our Facebook and Instagram pages!

Consent forms for the NPS COVID testing program are now available in Aspen. 
You ARE REQUIRED to provide consent for your student to be tested. Please log into Aspen to sign the consent form. Here is the Aspen Login Link. Please follow these instructions for accessing and signing the consent form. Testing is scheduled to begin in mid-September. Here are the details on the state-sponsored multi-tiered COVID testing program administered by CIC Health:

  • Symptomatic Testing: This protocol (a rapid test), will be used for students and staff who develop symptoms while at school. 

  • Test and Stay (Close contact testing): This protocol (a rapid test) will be used to test unvaccinated asymptomatic individuals who have been identified as close contacts following possible exposure at school.

  • Routine (Weekly) COVID Pooled Testing: This protocol (anterior nasal swab) will be used for all individuals who opt-in to participate in the weekly COVID testing program.

Having trouble logging into Aspen? Email:

One to One Mentoring, Accepting Applications
Newton’s One-to-One Program, our very own “big brother/sister program” has been matching wonderful high schoolers with children in grades one through five for over 40 years.  If you think your elementary-aged child would benefit from a mentor in their life and you can commit 2 hours each week to have your child meet with a high school mentor from November to May – you should contact us. 

Here is a link to the program information and application:

For questions or more information, please contact Rebecca Young, Program Coordinator, at or 617-315-8733.

Art classes for kids by local mom and teacher
Fall art classes for kids ages 3-9 are now available in Newton. Creation Station is a creative art program created for our children to engage in experiences that inspire imagination, spark curiosity, celebrate play, and promote art exploration.
Emily D’Amour 617-797-7337

Mental Health Workshop - Youth Services
“Addressing Family Stress,” offered in partnership with Families for Depression Awareness on Tuesday, October 26 from 6:30pm-8:00pm.   

The program will be facilitated by Families for Depression Awareness and delivered by a licensed mental health professional. Families and caregivers will learn how to identify symptoms of stress in themselves and family members, manage stress as a family, respond when symptoms become “more than stress,” and get help for themselves or a family member. More information can be found here.

See more Community Notes from the PTO Council here.


ForWard 10.17.21


ForWard 10.03.21