ForWard 10.03.21
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
International Walk and Roll to School Day
Plan to join the community and school children across the world and walk, bike or bus to school!
Wednesday, October 6 from 6:30-8:30PM
Grade 3 Parents Potluck
If you did not receive your invitation, please email Lexi at
Thursday, October 7 at 7:30pm on Zoom
Fall PTO Meeting
All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Saturday, October 9 from 6-8PM
Grade 5 Parents Potluck
If you did not receive your invitation, please email Jeanne at
Thursday, October 14 at 5:30
FORJ Meeting
At Ward under the tents
Saturday, October 16 from 6-8PM
Kindergarten Parents Potluck
Watch for your invitation!
Sunday November 7 from 3-5PM
Ward’s First Annual Fall Fest
More info to follow…Save the date!
From the Co-Presidents
Parent Potluck season is off to an incredible start thanks to our great hosts. We appreciate the generosity of Troy Golladay and Bryan Saltzburg for showing the Grade 1 parents a great time on Thursday evening and Randy and Tracy Buckner for warmly welcoming the Grade 4 parents on Saturday evening. More parties to come - don’t miss out!
We welcome all parents to join the PTO for our first meeting of the year on Thursday evening at 7:30 PM on zoom (link below). Agenda items include an explanation of our budget, a fun playground proposal and a look ahead at the PTO Calendar. Come share ideas or just to listen in - the more input we have, the better PTO experience we can all enjoy in the year ahead!
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 873 9493 7625
Passcode: 213211
Room Parents Request
We are actively seeking room parents for all classrooms! This is a great opportunity to build upon the home and school connection while supporting the classroom teachers and getting to know the other families in your cohort(s). Most of this role can be done from home and on your own schedule and will not exceed roughly a one hour per month time commitment (often less!). If you can help out, please contact Heba, the room parent coordinator, at
Ward FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice)
Ward FORJ is hosting an outdoor gathering under the tents on Thursday, October 14 at 5:30PM. Ward FORJ is a parent group at Ward School focused on building bridges among families and educating the school community about race, racism, culture, and identity. We are affiliated with the citywide Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ). We are supported by the Ward PTO and parents, teachers, and staff throughout the Ward community.
Come hear about our work; meet and mingle with other families; and share your questions, concerns, and priorities for how we can work together in pursuit of racial justice within our school community and beyond. Questions? or
International Walk and Roll to School Day
Join students across Newton, throughout Massachusetts and in over 40 countries and make a commitment to walking, biking or bussing to school. Meet friends on the bus - which keeps fewer cars on the roads near the school; or walk or bike from home if you are able; or drive halfway and walk halfway. We will greet all participants with lots of enthusiasm! For more information:
Grade Level Potluck Gatherings: Almost there….just need Grade 2!
Grade 2 families, please consider hosting a parent potluck. As a host, your responsibility is the paper goods! Due to COVID precautions - events must be held outdoors so we are looking to plan these EARLY in the fall. Additionally, every grade is welcoming an exciting number of new families so it will be beneficial to meet each other soon. Given the current climate we recommend keeping it simple (ex: appetizers and drinks or drinks and desserts). It is really important this year for families to socialize and be together! Remember - this is an adult-only event. If you are interested in hosting please email Sara Wantman:
Ward School Directory
Thank you to all families who tolerated our many emails and messages about the directory. While adjustments to the printed directory are too late at this point, updates and changes can always be made to the online directory at Look for your printed directories later in October. They will be sent home with the students.
We are so grateful to Kathy Shields and Ron Farrar for all their hard work both gathering information as well as soliciting advertisements from local businesses. Thank you also to Ward parent alumna Sarah Lenz for providing technical support.
Mystery Dinner
This can’t-be-missed night is not cancelled, just postponed! Save the date for the annual Mystery Dinner (grown-ups only) April 30, 2022! We will celebrate an amazing school year and hopefully a spring with fewer precautions necessary. It is never too early to consider hosting appetizers, a dinner or desserts. Reach out to the Mystery Dinner coordinators: or and expect to hear more on this in early 2022.
Ivy Math Fall Fundraiser for Ward PTO
October 1st - 31st
RAISE $50 FOR THE WARD PTO BY HAVING YOUR CHILD’S MATH SKILLS ASSESSED! is partnering with the Ward PTO to assist our students and raise money all at the same time! All you have to do is sign up for a FREE online math assessment at (grades 3-8 only). After the assessment, you’ll receive an overview of your child’s math strengths and weaknesses, and the Ward PTO will receive a $50 donation from IvyMath thanks to you. The PTO has the opportunity to earn up to $5,000 through this fundraiser!
This fundraiser ends on Oct 31 and there are limited slots available, so please make sure to act quickly. Signup for FREE and raise $50 for the Ward PTO! Go to: and click on “Sign up for FREE assessment.”
Community Notes & Announcements
Indigenous Peoples Day Newton Ceremonial Celebration
Monday, October 11, 2021, 12 - 5pm, Albemarle Park
Ward Parent Krysia Villon is on the planning committee for this first Indigenous Peoples Day event in Newton! This free, family-centered event will feature numerous Indigenous artists from all around the Northeast- singers, poets, musicians, painters and more! You can learn more about Indigenous businesses and nonprofits at the marketplace. Participate in a talking circle. And, be sure to enjoy a delicious meal from the Indigenous food trucks! Krysia is happy to answer any questions:
Read about all the details at our website IPD Newton and check out our Facebook and Instagram pages!
Consent forms for the NPS COVID testing program are now available in Aspen.
You ARE REQUIRED to provide consent for your student to be tested. Please log into Aspen to sign the consent form. Here is the Aspen Login Link. Please follow these instructions for accessing and signing the consent form. Testing is scheduled to begin in mid-September. Here are the details on the state-sponsored multi-tiered COVID testing program administered by CIC Health:
Symptomatic Testing: This protocol (a rapid test), will be used for students and staff who develop symptoms while at school.
Test and Stay (Close contact testing): This protocol (a rapid test) will be used to test unvaccinated asymptomatic individuals who have been identified as close contacts following possible exposure at school.
Routine (Weekly) COVID Pooled Testing: This protocol (anterior nasal swab) will be used for all individuals who opt-in to participate in the weekly COVID testing program.
Having trouble logging into Aspen? Email:
Join Newton Cub Scout Pack 210
Boys and girls grades 1-5 are invited to join Newton Cub Scout Pack 210 ( Scouting is a great opportunity to make new friendships and learn new skills. We have an exciting year planned, with fun activities including camping, hiking, outdoor activities, community service, and monthly Den/Pack meetings. Our next Pack meeting is our annual camping trip on 10/23/21 at the Blue Hills. We are also starting our grade-specific Den meetings. Please reach out, and we can let you know when the meeting for your child's grade is. Most of the initial Den meetings will be held at the Carroll Center (770 Centre Street, Newton Center) on Thursday evenings (with masking for the indoor portion of the event), where we will talk more about the Den-level calendar and planned events for the upcoming year. The next Den meetings are the Bears/3rd graders this Thursday, October 7 at 6pm, and Tigers/Wolves (1st and 2nd grade) on Thursday, October 14 - please email for info on when the other grades are meeting. Please join us or email Chris ( to join and with questions. We look forward to a great Scouting year ahead!
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity Enrichment Program
Inspirit AI's Adventurers program is a 25-hour enrichment program that prepares elementary and middle school students (grades 3 to 8) to thrive in a computational world. By building essential skills in computational thinking, mindfulness, and creativity, Adventurers will build an excellent foundation to take advantage of the computational tools around them, and to be happy and successful in their budding careers. Developed and taught by MIT and Stanford graduate students, young students receive a personalized, interdisciplinary learning experience that prepares them for an AI-powered future! Applications for Winter 2021 are due by October 15th. To learn more, visit our AI Adventurers webpage!
See more Community Notes from the PTO Council here.