ForWard 02.06.22
Upcoming Events
Last chance this week!
Support the Student Council Book Drive
Today - Fri, Feb 11, 2022
Order your cookies! Fifth Grade Valentine Cookie Fundraiser
Tues, Feb 8, 2022
Pedestrian Safety Training (Grades 2-5). Volunteers Still Needed
Thurs, Feb 10, 2022
Pedestrian Safety Training (Grades 2-5). Volunteers Still needed.
Thurs, Feb 17, 2022
Winter PTO Meeting with Dr. Fleishman and School Committee Members
From the Co-Presidents
Between our blue zone reminders, upcoming pedestrian training, and snow removal to improve arrival and dismissal organization, we have been focused on safety lately. If January was all about staying healthy, February is all about staying safe. Thank you to those who drive carefully in the blue zone and to the teachers and staff who help load and unload students in the morning and afternoon. Thank you to those who have already volunteered for Pedestrian Safety Training (volunteers are still needed in many classrooms). Thank you to the snow removal crew who helped clear more space for kids and parents to stand during arrival and dismissal. The area was greatly improved by our collective effort, and the Ward staff, the PTO, and the kids are so grateful! Thank you!!!
Kindness sparks more kindness
Ward second graders observed the many parent volunteers shoveling the school grounds on Wednesday and they were inspired to share their beautiful and heartfelt thanks.
Valentine Cookie Sales to Benefit Fifth Grade Activities
Support the 5th Grade Valentine Cookie Fundraiser! Get details and order online this whole week (don’t miss the Friday deadline!).
NPS COVID Testing Policies Change - Sign Up Required
A reminder that NPS has adjusted testing protocols and sign up is required!
This new weekly at-home rapid antigen test is for ALL students PreK-12+ (vaccinated and unvaccinated.) All families need to “opt-in” to this new testing program. The previous consent form will not apply. Access the Opt-in form through your Aspen parent/guardian account.
Lost and Found
Winter temps just mean more gear to lose at school! Please check out the updated lost and found on our website and claim your items!
Safe Routes to School Pedestrian Safety Training: Volunteers Needed!
Note: VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL NEEDED FOR THE FOLLOWING CLASSES (see note from your room parents this week!): 3MBJ, 4L, 5AS. It is a great chance to volunteer with your child(ren)’s class for the first time in a long time!
All students in grades 2-5 will participate in Pedestrian Safety Training this February. Trainings will be led by Massachusetts Safe Routes to School but we need a couple of parent volunteers for each training too. Ideally we are looking for parents who are interested in supporting children but also learning from SRTS representatives so that we can continue to offer trainings on our own at Ward in years to come. Volunteers are needed on two dates: Tuesday February 8th and Thursday February 10th (weather dependent as these will be held outdoors). Email for more information and/or to sign up to join us!
Winter PTO Meeting
Please mark your calendars for our Winter PTO Meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 7PM on Zoom. We will be joined by Mrs. Brogadir, Superintendent Dr. Fleishman and members of the Newton School Community. We will hear from them and also have an opportunity for live questions and answers across any topics that may interest you. Don’t miss this important meeting!
We will use the following Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 203 913 9153
Passcode: Ward2022
One tap mobile
+525568269800,,2039139153#,,,,*40275179# Mexico
+525586596001,,2039139153#,,,,*40275179# Mexico
Interpretation For Families:
Interpretation for this meeting can be available. Please complete this Google form at least three days before the meeting if you require interpretation.
Community Notes & Announcements
Newton Community Pride (NCP) is hosting WinterFest the weekend of Feb 12-13. Ward parent Krysia Villon is on the board and encourages us all to come out and enjoy the season with different activities at three different parks in Newton. Please check out their website and see the flier at the end of this email. Thank you for all your hard work Krysia!!!
All winterFEST details can be found on NCP website
February Vacation Basketball Camp
ASA Hoops is offering a February Vacation Clinic for boys and girls ages 7-15 at the Brown Middle School: 2/21 - 2/25. Since 1997 ASA has been serving the Newton community offering camps, clinics, skills training and AAU basketball. We hope to see you soon: Register at: / Contact:
Little League season is around the corner! Sign up to play today!
Newton Little League registration is open for the Spring 2021 season. Sign up at Open to boys and girls ages 4-15 - Little League for ages 4-12, Senior League for ages 13-15. Newton Little League will be following nationally established COVID safety protocols. If you have any questions, please reach out to
Center Street Food Pantry Kids Club Bags
As some of you know, the Center Street Food Pantry distributes around 100 Kids Club bags to families with children under 18 each time the Pantry is open. In an effort to better manage the influx of bags, we are asking for help. It would be most helpful if bags could be dropped off on Mondays, as our distribution day is Tuesday. Of course, we can accommodate you any time if Mondays are not convenient.
The bags should be doubled bagged with handles and contain:
1 jar jam/jelly
2 boxes mac n’ cheese
1 box of cereal
1 six-pack of applesauce or fruit cups
2 packs of cereal/granola bars
1 large bag of pretzels/chips
The items are also listed on our website. If your school is interested in participating in this great project, please sign up here.
Deborah Elliott will get back to you to confirm a drop-off date and answer any questions. You can also contact her directly at
Repurpose Unwanted Home Goods
Do you have gently used or new household items doing you no good? Please consider donating blenders, toasters, queen and king bedding, pots, pans, dishes, cooking utensils, silverware, towels and other basic household necessities. Welcome Home in Newton Centre collects home goods and redistributes them, at no cost, to people who need them. Please be sure your items are clean and not rusty, torn, stained, chipped or broken before donation.
Please contact us to schedule a dropoff appointment or make a request for items at
See more Community Notes at