ForWard 9.19.21

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 30 from 6-8PM
Grade 1 Parents Potluck

Watch for an invitation! 

Saturday, October 2 from 6-8PM
Grade 4 Parents Potluck
Watch for an invitation!

Wednesday, October 6 from 6:30-8:30PM
Grade 3 Parents Potluck

Watch for an invitation!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021
International Walk and Roll to School Day
Plan to join the community and school children across the world and walk, bike or bus to school!

Thursday, October 7 at 7:30pm on Zoom
Fall PTO Meeting
Agenda items to include the annual budget and the annual calendar of events. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!



From the Co-Presidents
The Ward PTO Community is Back to School and we had the picnic to prove it! Can you believe we ate 65 pizzas? That’s teamwork! Watching the kids (and parents!) enjoy being together again was inspiring and heartwarming. Thank you so much to Zlatena Simeonova for organizing a fantastic evening for us all to enjoy. If you also enjoyed the picnic and would like to help organize a similar event in the spring, please let us know! 

Grade Level Potluck Gatherings: Need hosts for K, 2 and 5!
Grades 1, 3 and 4 - watch for invitations! Grades K, 2 and 5 - we are looking for families to host grade-level potluck style get-togethers. As a host, your responsibility is the paper goods! Due to COVID precautions - events must be held outdoors so we are looking to plan these EARLY in the fall. Additionally, every grade is welcoming an exciting number of new families so it will be beneficial to meet each other soon. Given the current climate we recommend keeping it simple (ex: appetizers and drinks or drinks and desserts). It is really important this year for families to socialize and be together! Remember - this is an only adult event. If you are interested in hosting please email Sara Wantman: We would like all grades to have some sort of social gathering before the weather starts to change.

Open Volunteer Positions
We’d like to highlight two open positions for which we desperately need volunteers. The first is Teacher Appreciation Coordinator. This person would be responsible for coordinating monthly treats for our teachers, usually organized by grade-level. In addition, Teacher Appreciation Week in the spring should be publicized and celebrated. The second is for a Safe Routes to School Representative. This person would represent Ward at monthly city-wide meetings (Friday mornings - zoom or in person). The SRTS representative would plan events and campaigns to encourage walking and biking to school; safe blue zone use; and no idling at school buildings, thank crossing guards on their appreciation day in the spring, and collaborate with the principal on any related safety concerns. Please be in touch with Susan and Caitlin ( if you may be interested. There are other open positions listed in the Parent Handbook on our website at under the “Your PTO” heading. 

Ward School Directory
​​The Ward School PTO Family Directory is hosted online at Membership Toolkit. The access is free and it can be used by all Ward families. The directory is run and funded by the PTO thanks to your support! It can be found online at The online platform is a secure and easy to use tool that organizes contact information from all Ward families unless they specifically opt out. 

For returning Ward School families:

Please log in at and confirm that your information is correct and up-to-date. Most families already have an email associated with the online directory, but if there is a problem please contact Sarah Lenz at

For families new to Ward School:

  1. Login as NEW USER, and create a new account

  2. Click “Verify my email” and then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in 2 hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders. Once you have verified your email address, log back in and finish the registration process. 

  3. Complete the Parent/Family and then Student Information. 

  4. Complete the Directory/Publish Preferences.

Note: Once the Primary Account is set up, the Primary User can “invite” other email addresses to access his/her account. This allows the Secondary User to have their own login information, but still have access to the family account.

Attention Business Owners!
Would you like to advertise your business in the Ward Directory?
​​Ward is publishing a hard copy Ward Family Directory again this year. There are opportunities to advertise your business to the Ward Community by purchasing an ad in the Directory. The directory is a great resource for Ward families, especially new families, and a cost effective way for your business to reach our families and support the PTO. In addition to offsetting the cost of printing the Directory, proceeds will go toward PTO funding including Creative Arts & Sciences programming and community events.  

A: Full  Page  $500 - 8.5" x 11"  
B: Half page landscape  $250 -  8.5" x 5.5"
C: Quarter page portrait  $150 - 4.25" x 5.5"
D: Eighth page landscape  $100 -  4.25 x 2.5

Please let Kathy Shields (, Ron Farrar ( know if you are interested. The ad deadline is September 30, and we hope to distribute the directories in mid-October.

 Community Notes & Announcements

Consent forms for the NPS COVID testing program are now available in Aspen. 
You ARE REQUIRED to provide consent for your student to be tested. Please log into Aspen to sign the consent form. Here is the Aspen Login Link. Please follow these instructions for accessing and signing the consent form. Testing is scheduled to begin in mid-September. Here are the details on the state-sponsored multi-tiered COVID testing program administered by CIC Health:

  • Symptomatic Testing: This protocol (a rapid test), will be used for students and staff who develop symptoms while at school. 

  • Test and Stay (Close contact testing): This protocol (a rapid test) will be used to test unvaccinated asymptomatic individuals who have been identified as close contacts following possible exposure at school.

  • Routine (Weekly) COVID Pooled Testing: This protocol (anterior nasal swab) will be used for all individuals who opt-in to participate in the weekly COVID testing program.

Having trouble logging into Aspen? Email:

Attention Kindergarten and 1st Grade Families: Story Starters registration is open
Story Starters is enrolling families with 3- to 8-year-olds to participate in our fall 8-week program. Our program is designed for parents who want to start and strengthen conversations about race with their young children. Story Starters gives families age-appropriate tools and skills to have meaningful conversations about race and racism. Story Starters families learn from educators, racial justice advocates, and each other. 

Our program provides families with: 

  • A bundle of 6 books  

  • 5 parent guides full of research, resources, and family activities to help parents start and deepen family race conversations

  • 4 curated book lists to support further exploration and conversation

  • 2 family events and 2 parent workshops   

  • A vibrant community of families seeking to make an impact in their homes and beyond

  • Local playground meet-ups to facilitate community connections

The program kickoff is October 3rd from 5:00-6:00pm. For additional program dates and details, visit:

Indigenous Peoples Day Newton Ceremonial Celebration
Monday, October 11, 2021, 12 - 5pm, Albemarle Park
Everyone is welcome to attend Newton's very first Indigenous Peoples Day Ceremonial Celebration! This free, family-centered event will feature numerous Indigenous artists from all around the Northeast- singers, poets, musicians, painters and more! You can learn more about Indigenous businesses and nonprofits at the marketplace. Participate in a talking circle. And, be sure to enjoy a delicious meal from the Indigenous food trucks!

Read about all the details at our website IPD Newton!

Join Newton Cub Scout Pack 210
Boys and girls grades 1-5 are invited to join Newton Cub Scout Pack 210. Scouting is a great opportunity to make new friendships, and is also really fun, especially for new 1st grade Tigers, to experience with friends. We have an exciting year planned, with fun activities including camping, hiking, outdoor activities, community service, and monthly Den/Pack meetings. All meetings will be outdoors with modifications for COVID safety. Our kickoff meeting is on Thursday Sept. 23 at 5:30 pm at Arsenal Park in Watertown. The address is 485 Arsenal St and it will be at a covered pavilion, so it will take place rain or shine.  A local veterinarian will talk about animal care and will bring a special friend.  Frozen desserts will be handed out too! Please join us or email Chris to join and with questions. We look forward to a great Scouting year ahead! 

Learn-to-Skate lessons in the Newton Area
Do you want to introduce your kids to ice skating or get them ready for hockey, recreational or figure skating and give them the opportunity to skate with other kids their age? Bay State Skating School is a non-profit organization that has for more than 50 years dedicated itself to introducing kids to the joys of ice skating. Professional Instructors teach Recreational, Figure and Hockey skating skills to children ages 4 to 18 years old – from absolute beginners to experienced skaters. Classes are held in 10 rinks throughout the Newton– Boston area and registration is open now. For more information, check out our website and registration information at


ForWard 9.26.21


ForWard 9.12.21