ForWard 08.20.23
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
New Family Meet-up - Ward Front Entrance : 3:30pm
Thursday August 31, 2023
Classroom Visit/Sneak Peek: 1:00pm
Popsicles in the Park with Principal Brogadir at Ward Playground : 4:00pm
Tuesday September 5, 2023
First Day of School
PTO/Principal Coffee - Front of school: 8:10am
Monday September 11, 2023
Back to School Picnic - Ward Field: 5:30-7:00pm
From the Co-Presidents
Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year! We are passionately planning for the year ahead and look forward to working with all of you.
If you no longer have students at Ward and want to be removed from this list, please follow the unsubscribe link at the very bottom of this email. Alternatively - if you have new friends and neighbors joining us, please encourage them to sign up for our directory and to receive our newsletters via the PTO website. Also be sure to make any of your own changes in the online directory too.
We always love to hear from you so please reach out to us anytime via
Wishing you a wonderful end of summer and looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Rashi Khanna & Bryan Saltzburg
Ward PTO Co-Presidents 2023-24
Popsicles in the park
Please join Mrs. Brogadir and the PTO on Thursday, August 31st or a welcome back celebration!
1:00 pm: Classroom visit/Sneak Peek
4:00pm: All Ward Students & Families - Popsicles in the Park, Ward Playground
PTO/Principal Coffee
After the first day drop offs and goodbyes, please join community members for a cup of coffee at the front picnic tables. Coffee will be served immediately after drop-off and Principal Brogadir and other staff members will join around 8:45am.
Call for Grade-level Potluck Coordinator and Hosts
We need your help! One of our favorite fall traditions at Ward are the grade-level potlucks. Are you interested in coordinating potlucks or hosting a grade level this fall?
The potluck coordinator recruits and manages volunteers in each grade level to host and guide them through the process. This can be done entirely via email.
The hosting is simple….provide a space and some paper goods and send an invite and your guests do the rest! We will guide you through it all! Last fall many enjoyed beautiful events outdoors so we encourage hosts to set a date SOON to enjoy the September weather. Please email us at if you would like to learn more and/or if you are ready to sign up! Each grade level needs a host - any evening of the week is fine but the dates cannot overlap so first come-first served on date selection!
Community Notes & Announcements
Newton Youth Volleyball
We are running the program at both Newton North and South gyms, and we’re excited to make volleyball accessible to more families, younger players, and all socio-economic groups in your town. Did you know that volleyball is now the most popular girls' team sport in the country! It’s also among the fastest-growing boys' sports (National Federation of HS Sports 2022).
Dates: September 5 - November 20
Times: Mondays and Tuesdays 6:30-8PM, Saturdays 3-4PM or 4-5PM
Location: Newton North High School and Newton South High School
Registration Link
About our organization:
Please follow Community Notes updates throughout the summer at
And please continue to follow the PTO on instagram @wardelementary_pto