ForWard 12.11.22
Upcoming Events
Friday, November 25, 2022 - December 31, 2022
Ward Annual Fund Drive
Monday, January 9, 2023
Ward Night at the Celtics
See all events on our Calendar
From the Co-Presidents
Wow! We are so inspired by the start of our Annual Fund Drive! In just two short weeks we have raised over $5491 and have 11% of families as donors. No gift is too small and all gifts help us reach our goal of 100% participation and $20,000 to fund our students’ elementary school experience. Make a gift here. Thank you for your support and generosity!
Have a great week,
Caitlin, Rashi & Susan
December PTO Meeting Recap
We had a productive and informative meeting with Principal Brogadir on Monday evening. After a brief overview of upcoming PTO events, Principal Brogadir gave a report on the “State of the School”. She highlighted how Ward students are doing academically, as well as the many updates and changes to Ward over the past four years. (Principal Brogadir’s Slides)
We also discussed declining enrollment and the Ward/Underwood task force. Points raised by various participants:
Given the lack of housing development in the area and some demographic shifts, enrollment had been projected to decline, but Covid accelerated the decline.
It’s an open question whether families return from private school.
While there are advantages to a smaller school and smaller class sizes, grade levels with only one classroom are detrimental to students' success academically, behaviorally, and socially. It’s to everyone’s advantage to find a solution for more stability in enrollment numbers. Also creates problems for staffing.
While it’s not likely that any significant rebuild or renovation will happen in the next 10 years, interim solutions will be considered by the task force.
Spread the word in your neighborhood about Ward School. Gently encourage families you know with young kids to consider it!
Finally, we discussed the Prop 2.5 Override being proposed by Mayor Fuller. We’re sure most of you have heard about the override, but we want to be sure our community understands what is at stake for Ward and for Newton as a whole. The PTO generally supports all efforts to improve student and teacher experiences so we want to be sure our community is well informed. To that end, there will be additional communication on this topic from the PTO in the coming weeks. The slides shown at the PTO meeting were selected from what can be found online at the city website.
A Ward CARES Message
As this holiday season approaches, we would like to assist students and families in our community that are in need of support with purchasing food, winter clothing, and gifts. Therefore, we are holding a Holiday Gift Card Drive. If it is within your budget this year, we welcome donations of gift cards to the following stores:
Star Market
Stop & Shop
Market Basket
Please place donated gift cards in an envelope in your child’s home/school folder or drop them off at the main office. Please make sure to write the card amount on the gift card sleeve.
If you are able to support our Holiday Gift Card Drive, please donate by Thursday, December 15. If your family is in need of this holiday season support, please reach out to our school social worker, Kadesia Woods (
Ward/Underwood Working Group: Seeking 1 Parent!
As previously presented, both Ward and Underwood occupy buildings that are nearly 100 years old and both schools are experiencing enrollment decline that is impacting the educational experience of students. The Mayor has allocated $100,000 in ARPA funds to move this initiative forward. A consultant will be hired to help us address facility, educational, and enrollment challenges at Ward and Underwood elementary schools. The process to select a consultant will be a Qualifications Based Selection through the city’s Designer Selection Committee as required by City ordinance. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be advertised through the City’s Purchasing Department as part of our standard process.
A working group will be established to provide feedback and information to the consultant. The working group will review and discuss options and will make recommendations to the School Committee for consideration based on their review and community feedback. The working group will meet approximately monthly during the day. Other stakeholders within the City and Schools will be consulted as needed, and parent and community meetings will be held. The intent is to complete the Consultant selection process over the next few months and to complete the work described within the scope of services by December 2023.
The Underwood/Ward Working Group will include:
The Principal from each school,
1 teacher/staff from each school,
1 parent from each school,
2 to 3 members from the NPS Business, Finance and Planning team,
1 School Committee member, and
1 member from the City Public Buildings Department.
If you would like to be part of the Underwood/Ward Working Group, please write a short description of why you are interested in representing the Ward parent/guardian community and how you would make a difference to the working group. Candidate statements should be e-mailed to and by Thursday, December 22.
School Council - Seeking Candidates - LAST call!
Are you looking to make an impact on important school decisions impacting your child(ren)? Now is your chance! Mandated by state law, the School Council serves as an advisory board to the principal. Members include the principal, 2 teachers, 2 parent representatives, and a community member. School Council provides a forum to discuss and advise the principal on issues that arise throughout the year, including programmatic matters; the school improvement plan; safety and building maintenance issues; and other relevant topics. Meetings will be held in January, March and May 2023 and, moving forward, approximately 4 times per year.
The Ward School Council is a separate entity from the PTO. School Council focuses on programmatic, operational, and budgetary issues, while the PTO provides social and community support and curriculum enhancement activities. The PTO administers the School Council election each year.
Parents/guardians are elected for 2 or 3-year terms to School Council. If you would like to be a candidate for School Council beginning in January 2023, please write a short description of your background, why you are interested in the position, and how you would make a difference to Ward. Candidate statements should be e-mailed to and are due by Friday, December 16. The School Council election will be held the following week and will be conducted through an on-line survey.
If you are considering running for School Council and have questions, please talk with Caitlin Cusick (prior council member) or Becca Brogadir for further information.
Spring Mystery Dinner Save The Date: 4/29/23
Save the date for the Ward mystery dinner! This is the most fun you’ll ever have as an elementary school parent/caregiver!
When: Saturday, April 29th 6pm - midnight
What: A progressive style dinner party and fundraising event for Ward PTO
Who: Adults only! Line up your childcare now! It’s an event you will not want to miss!
How can you help? Great question!
If you are interested in hosting: appetizers, dinners or dessert. Please let us know.
Appetizers and dessert are 75-125 ppl Dinners are 8-12 people.
This event is made possible by the generosity of our hosts! It’s a wonderful way to meet and get to know our Ward community. If you have questions or are interested in hosting, please reach out to Bekka Cirel ( or Tracy Buckner (
FREEDGE Volunteers
The Ward efforts to support the Newton FREEDGE continue. Thank you to our “regular” drivers - we could not do this without you! The PTO and Ward Staff have some open slots next week and many in December. Just a friendly reminder to sign up when you are able. (Sign up here.)
Many thanks,
Maria Sullivan
Community Notes & Announcements
A Visit to the Allen Homestead for Children and Families
This visit invites children and their families to travel 150 years back in time to imagine what it would have been like to live and learn at the Allen home and this historic school.
This historic house was once the home of Nathaniel Allen, founder of The West Newton English and Classical School. Nathaniel Allen was a progressive educator who provided equal opportunities for girls and boys in racially mixed classrooms even before the Civil War. His curriculum was innovative, and students from all over the world came to attend his school.
Guests will explore the parlor, a classroom, and even the bowling alley as we learn about the family, the students, the school, and the unique curriculum. Our visit will finish in the barn, where you will have the opportunity to try some of the games and activities that children enjoyed at this time.
We hope you can join us to learn about the history of this newly renovated Newton treasure. Each visit will run approximately one hour. Free event, 3rd grade and up, registration required.
Dates: Sunday, December 11 3:00-4:00 PM
Thursday, December 15 4:00-5:00 PM
Sunday, January 22 3:00-4:00 PM
Thursday, January 26 4:00-5:00 PM Please register here
Free Public Speaking & Debate Workshop During Vacation Break!
Sign up for a free Public Speaking and Debate Workshop on December 27, 28, 29 (Lexington and Newton), hosted by Lumos Debate! Your child will love Lumos's friendly instructors and fun Argumentation and Reasoning
This workshop is free for all Ward students. Please make sure to use code WARD when you register. Please do not share this code with families that are not from Ward. Email or call 781-474-3359 with any questions.
Register now at: activities as they learn about Speaking Confidence, Impromptu Speaking and Debate Fundamentals
For more community notes:
And please continue to follow the PTO on instagram @wardelementary_pto