ForWard 09.04.22
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 6, after drop off
Principal Coffee at the front picnic tables
Weds, September 7
Back to School Picnic 5:30-7 at Ward Field
Tuesday, September 20
Fall PTO Meeting, on Zoom at 7:30pm
Thursday, September 22
Last day to purchase fall spirit wear!
Saturday, September 24
Grade 2 Parent/Guardian Potluck
See all events on our Calendar
Principal Coffee
After those first day pictures are taken and goodbyes are said, please join community members for a cup of coffee at the front picnic tables. Coffee will be served immediately after drop-off and Principal Brogadir and other staff members will join around 8:45.
Back to School Picnic
All families are invited to join us on Ward Field this Wednesday from 5:30 - 7:00 for the fall picnic. This event is not to be missed….free pizza, games from knucklebones and a live DJ playing your favorite songs! Bring a picnic blanket, a refillable water bottle, some ice cream truck money and prepare for a fun evening with friends. Note: gluten free pizza will be available. If you have an alternate dietary restriction and would like to bring your own pizza, please give your receipt to the PTO and we are happy to reimburse. HUGE thanks to Zlatena Simeonova for all of her coordination on this event to get our school year started off right! Questions?
Call for Room Parents
We are seeking 1-2 parents per class to serve as “Room Parents”. Here is a glimpse at some of the responsibilities of a room parent:
Serve as a liaison between the classroom teacher and the parent/guardian community to coordinate classroom events, volunteers, supplies, teacher appreciation, gifts and more.
Serve as liaison between the PTO leadership and your classroom community by helping to solicit volunteers (example field trips, grade level potlucks, grade level programming such as Creative Arts and Sciences, etc), encouraging participation in events/meetings and representing your class to the PTO.
And more! You will have regular communication with the PTO Board to support overall efforts to build community amongst your class and grade level.
Questions? Please email
Interested? Please sign up:
All New Ward Spirit Wear
Plan early for upcoming spirit days and to rock Ward school spirit every day you choose! All new options available now thru September 22, 2022 so don’t delay! Spirit wear sales will reopen before winter holidays.
Call for Grade-level Potluck Hosts
One of our favorite fall traditions at Ward are the grade-level (adult only!) potlucks. Are you interested in hosting a grade level this fall? The hosting is simple….provide a space and some paper goods and send an invite and your guests do the rest! We will guide you through it all! Last fall many enjoyed beautiful events outdoors so we encourage hosts to set a date SOON to enjoy the September weather. Please email us at if you would like to learn more and/or if you are ready to sign up! Each grade level needs a host (any evening of the week is fine) and the dates cannot overlap so first come-first served on date selection! Second grade is already booked (9/24)!
Ward Directory
The Ward online directory can be found here:
As of today, we have entered all students with their classroom assignments, and at minimum one parent email.
NEW FAMILIES: Families new to Ward will need to enter their family details (add as much or as little as you are comfortable with). You will be receiving an email later tonight with instructions on how to do this.
RETURNING FAMILIES: Please log on and verify and/or update your phone numbers/emails/etc. You will be receiving an email tonight if you have not yet done this for this current school year.
Remember the directory quickly becomes the key to all playdates, birthday parties and more - you don’t want to miss out!
Finally, if anyone is interested in taking on the role of creating a printed directory, the position remains open. Without a volunteer the directory will remain online-only.
FREEDGE Volunteers Needed
Last year the Ward PTO Freedge volunteers had tremendous success delivering unused food from our school lunch program to the Freedge located on Watertown St. in Newton. Please consider volunteering with this awesome program, which this year will consist of packaging, labeling and delivering the food to the Freedge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons after 1:30. As we did last year, 5th grade students will be invited to assist after their lunch, truly making this a community effort. To volunteer, contact Maria Sullivan, 5th grade assistant,
New PTO Calendar - Subscribe now!
Our survey last spring indicated a strong interest in better calendar functionality for the PTO. Please subscribe to our calendar for the year ahead and sync to your own google calendar and/or phone.
Message from MWRA - Impacts on Getting To/From Ward
Please be advised the MWRA will be working in your area beginning on Monday, August 22, 2022. The MWRA is replacing an existing 20-inch water pipeline with a new 24-inch pipeline along Waverly Ave between Ward Street and Durant Street. The existing pipe is cast iron and over 100 years old. Replacement of this water main will improve water quality, increase system capacity and improve system reliability. Construction for this new pipeline is expected to be complete in approximately six months. Work will be performed by our contractor, Albanese D&S. Equipment and materials needed to perform this work will begin mobilizing on or about August 17th. Hours of construction will be from 7AM-5PM Monday through Friday. The MWRA appreciates your cooperation during this very important water line improvement project. Local police details will be in place during construction work to safely move pedestrians and vehicular traffic around each work site.
Ward families are encouraged to call the Newton Police Department with any safety concerns: 617-796-2100.
Community Notes & Announcements
Please follow Community Notes updates at:
And please continue to follow the PTO on instagram @wardelementary_pto