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Fun Run

The Ward School FUN Run 2024

We are excited to announce the date for the annual Ward School Fun Run. October 24,  (rain date: October 25), starting at 9am and lasting for about 30 minutes.

What is the Ward FUN Run?
The FUN Run is a community-building fundraiser that starts now and culminates in an all-school run/walk/move around Ward field on October 24th. All students are welcome to participate, and all students receive a Ward Fun Run t-shirt and sticker. Students are not required to participate and you may opt out by emailing their teachers.

Scheduled on the morning October 24th
Grades will be paired with their learning buddy grades, 5+2, 4+1, 3+k. Learning Buddies will run together. The event will begin at 9am. 

What are we raising money for and what is our goal?

We are hoping to raise $13,000 to cover the cost of our Creative Arts and Sciences enrichment programing. The program is funded entirely by the PTO and represents 15-20% of the total PTO budget.

Creative Arts and Sciences is a hands-on learning, cross-curricular, and culturally diverse program that brings  individuals and organizations to Ward, including Mass Audubon, Tanglewood Marionettes, and author visits. Each grade level gets three unique programs tailored to its curriculum. Many thanks to Anita He, Ward’s CAS Coordinator; and Ceri Evans, Jessica Harkiewicz, and Cuicui Chen, our CAS grade level liaisons, for bringing these fantastic learning experiences to Ward. 



How can I participate?

1. Register your child/ren with our fundraising website, FundHub.

2. Volunteer for setup/cleanup crews here.

3. Join us at Ward on October 24th to cheer the students.

4. Complete this google form (one per child) so we can order a Fun Run t-shirt for your child(ren). 

How do I register?

  • If you registered your child last year, just go here, login with your credentials, and click the green “add to event” button.

  • If you are new to Ward or did not register your child last year, you can do that here.

Why do I need to register my child/ren?

  • Registering your child/ren makes it easy to solicit donations from family and friends. The site gives you a link to share easily via text, email or social media.

  • It also makes it easy for us to track our progress toward our goal of $13,000.

  • But you do not have to register your child in order to donate.

  • And you do not have to register at all, if you prefer not to.

Why is FundHub charging me 15% on top of my credit card donation?

  • FundHub charges us 15% on every donation made by credit card. 

  • They will not allow us to untick it by default, but you can untick it when you add your cc info.

How do I MAXIMIZE how much of my donation goes to Ward PTO?

  • Pay by check, cash or venmo.

  • Because the credit card fee is so steep, we encourage you to donate by check, cash or venmo. The entire donation will go to Ward PTO.  

  • To pay by cash or check: 

    • make checks out to Ward PTO and add a note stating “Fun Run 2024,” your child’s name, and classroom. 

    • Put the cash or check in an envelope labeled “Kristin Golden, Treasurer - Ward PTO” and give it to the front office staff.

  • Venmo @WardPTO  

    • add a note, stating “Fun Run 2024,” your child’s name, and classroom.

Does everyone get a T-shirt?

  • YES!!! 

  • All students and staff will receive a 2024 Fun Run T-shirt regardless of registration or participation.

  • Look out for an email from room parents, asking for t-shirt sizes, or complete this google form (one per child).  

What happens to my child’s info after the fundraiser is over?

  • All of the data is erased when we close out the fundraiser. For more info on FundHub’s data security protocols, read this.

Other questions? Contact:

  • Penny Ismay, Bea’s Mom (4M), at or 

Lexi Sullivan, Jojo (4M) and Aug’s (1C) mom at

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