Welcome to Ward!

The John Ward Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a vital link between school and home. The PTO assists teachers by providing volunteers and funds to support and enhance the Newton Public Schools’ curriculum. The PTO also works to build a supportive, connected, and spirited community for families. Every effort is made to provide a strong and welcoming community in which parents and children feel safe, where there is a joy for learning and respect for every individual’s uniqueness.

We are so fortunate to have had so many wonderfully talented, patient, and dedicated volunteers over the years. Please consider volunteering in this coming year! There are a few open positions and some positions that could use additional assistance. Please contact us at copresidents@wardpto.org.

Many thanks,

Elizabeth Loehr and Elizabeth Weinberg, Co-Presidents 2024-2026

PTO Board

Elizabeth Loehr and Elizabeth Weinberg copresidents@wardpto.org

Kristin Golden treasurer@wardpto.org

VP of Communications
Betsy Blazar betsy@wardpto.org

Co-President 2025-2026
We will be recruiting two presidents to take over for 2026-2028 and would like them to start as Co-Presidents during the year of 2025-2026.

PTO Membership

All parents, faculty, and staff at Ward School are members of the PTO. To be sure you are on our newsletter list subscribe below.

PTO Meetings

Meetings of the PTO are held at least three times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring). Meetings will be announced in our newsletter and on our calendar with advanced notice. All PTO members are welcome at PTO meetings.